Clamshell Press

Words on the Page

A workbook for African writers

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This workbook has been designed specifically for African writers, providing them with readings, interviews, exercises and discussions that put the African writer first. The book is free and we hope will reach as many aspiring writers across the continent of Africa and the diaspora as possible. However, this book is not meant as a step-by-step write-by-numbers guide. Instead, it focuses on the Three R’s of being a writer: writing, reading and reviewing. We hope the readings, exercises, and discussions will help you to think critically about your own writing and to learn from the writing of others. You may want to create your own writing group and have discussions together and give one another feedback. But perhaps you want to go through the workbook on your own. Whatever you choose to do, remember that the effectiveness of this workbook depends on the extent to which you choose to engage with the material.

May it be of use to you during your writing journey!