Last Thursday The Interview Chain was launched out into the big wide world; on the same day, its author, Lynn Farley-Rose, was interviewed on BBC Radio Solent about her … interviews.

As a special bonus post, we asked Lynn to share something of that experience:

“This week I had the pleasant experience of being interviewed by Sam Fraser on Radio Solent, my local BBC radio station. It had been in my diary and theirs for several months to coincide with publication day. When I originally thought about radio interviews I’d envisaged sitting in a radio studio with headphones on but as we all know restrictions are continuing far longer than we used to think possible. So I stayed at home and it was done using Whatsapp audio which gives a pretty good quality line. The researcher rang about two minutes before the interview was due to start and said I’d be on air chatting to Sam as soon as Duran Duran’s Invisible had finished. It seemed to take forever as by then I was nervous. I’d given some thought to some of the questions I might be asked but had no idea what she would ask or even how long the interview would be. But as soon as I heard myself being introduced, Sam was in control and asked great questions that really allowed me to give a flavour of the book and she also asked about my previous book 31 Treats And A Marriage. She’d clearly done her homework which really helped. Some good advice I’d been given by a friend was to focus just on the interviewer and not to think about the audience. Having been the interviewer for the twenty interviews in the book it made a nice change to see things from the other side. ”

Lynn Farley-Rose

Lynn’s interview can be heard here: BBC Radio Solent